This weekend I'll be covering the Jackson Cup in Marblehead. The Boston Yacht Club will play host to ten racing teams for their 13th annual Jackson Cup. Clubs included New York Yacht Club, Noroton Yacht Club (Darien, CT), Royal Thames Yach t Club (London, UK), Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club (Long Island, NY), St. Francis Yacht Club (San Francisco, CA), Southern Yacht Club (New Orleans, LA) and Marblehead's own Boston, Eastern and Corinthian Yacht Clubs. Each club will have three teams and will race for two rounds of round robins for two days followed by a medal round on Sunday. I raced for the St.Francis Yacht Club and had a blast. This is one of the three videos I produced last year of the event. Here is a link to more videos from 2011: I hope to be able to use some new geeky technology to upload photos live to my website while covering the covering the regatta. (Sorry about all...