
Love our Partners!

Absolutely love our amazing partners like Good Hope, Inc.

Shinny New Website

Mission For Hope has a shinny new website:

Jeepers helping people experiencing homelessness.

Jeepers helping people experiencing homelessness on the North Shore of Boston. Thank you for supporting Mission For Hope, Christian Jeep Association and Good Hope, Inc. Thank you Jochebed E Brochu for the great video! 

Meet Mike!

Meet Mike. We met Mike outside Lifebridge in Salem. Mike is homeless and deals with sleep paralysis. We prayed with Mike. He was a blessing to me today. He knew scripture very well & knows that Jesus loves them. Today we partnered Beantown Blankets and went to 4 shelters and gave out blankets and and care kits with 15 items including a Bible. We also delivered 40 lunches to folks at the Caring Hearts Ministry in Revere.I have missed this ministry so much! Thank you for supporting Mission For Hope, Christian Jeep Association & Good Hope, Inc.!

New Shoes On Instagram

Hello! I’ve missed you! It’s been busy! Finally created an Instagram account for Mission For Hope. Please follow:

Pray For Boston’s Homeless

Today Mission For Hope partnered with Good Hope, the Christian Jeep Association to distribute over 200 new backpacks and blankets to the homeless in Boston. The backpacks had 17 items which included new hats, gloves, socks, water, juice, snacks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, washclothes, luggage tags, pens and Bibles. Also distributed were handmade hat and jackets.  We hadn’t done outreach in Boston since January because of safety concerns. Since January conditions have gotten so much worse. It’s some of the worst conditions I’ve seen in this country since I’ve been doing outreach with my Jeep the last three years. Please pray that things change in Boston and more services and shelters are made available for the poor, sick and addicted. If you’d like to learn how you can support our mission please go here:

Christian Jeep Association Drive Away Hunger

Saturday's Christian Jeep Association Drive Away Hunger event was outstanding! Christian Jeep Association Chapter # 1and Chapter #18 worked in partnership with the Southbridge Community Bridge Fridge, Chick-fil-A Worcester, the No Fear motorcycle club, Adult & Teen Challenge, and students from College of the Holy Cross to prepare and run the Net of Compassion Worcester’s weekly Meals on Main Street. Additionally, both CJA MA chapters & Mission For Hope donated over 200 sweat shirts and sweat pants, coats, hygiene kits, and other much needed items to Net of Compassion's faith based emergency shelter; Hotel Grace! Photo Cred 📸 @cwj_faith