My Next Smile

My life has been filled with amazing journeys.
Some journeys I thought I'd never have to feel.

I've traveled many busy roads in love.
I've traveled many quite roads alone.

I've traveled bright oceans with soul mates.
I've traveled deep oceans keeping to myself.

I've held hands with love as I walk.
I've held hands with darkness as I cry.

I've danced with love on pure white sands.
I've danced on waves of never ending hope.

I've walked down an isle surrounded with a warm light.
I've watched that light fade behind me into a cold darkness.

I've fallen in love on islands far from the world.
Islands of utopia I thought I'd never have to leave.

I've made love under the earth's telling stars.
I've made love in places most will never see.

I've taken journeys with a soul bursting with life.
I've taken journeys with a heart beating with sadness.

I've taken turns that I thought were wrong but full of life.
I've taken turns that I thought were right but full of regret.

When I'm lost and I can't seem to find my way,
I remember my past journeys with smiles and tears.
I remember what paths I took to laugh and cry.

My smiles give me strength to move on.
My strength guides to my next journey,
My next smile,
My next tear.


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