Please pray for the homeless in Anchorage
Today’s outreach in Anchorage was a tough one for me. So much sadness in the faces of the guests at Bean’s. I cried driving out of the parking lot and continue to weep this afternoon. Reminded me of the faces I saw in Kolkata, India on my first mission trip 4 years ago. We started off the morning by volunteering in the kitchen for a few hours. Then we brought out the hygiene kits and blankets my volunteers and Beantown Blankets shipped to the shelter. My Jeep friends brought clothes, sleeping bags water, Gatorade and freshly baked muffins and cookies. We set up to give them out and the line was across the parking lot. Unfortunately, we ran out of everything and there were still close to 50 people inline. My heart sunk. Afterwards I blessed Dee’s Jeep and barely made it through the prayer. The sadness I saw today hit me hard. Please keep the homeless in Anchorage in your prayers. Thank you so much my Jeep friend who came and gave their time and hearts!! Mary, her husband and mother drove all the way from Fairbanks! Love the hearts of the team this morning!