
Beautiful Wyoming & Montana

A few images from the last few days in Montana & Wyoming, I’m in Alberta now making my way north to Anchorage. 

Duck Tape & Hygiene Kits

Well I’m not off the grid tonight for sure but I do have a few trees. Jeep is in total Walmart boondocking mode with side window screens and front windshield shade. Didn’t make it Edmonton. On my way north I was prompted to go to Calgary and try to do some outreach. Went to a shelter first and they don’t allow the public to give out donations on the property. They would take my donations but they would be brought to their donation center. Since I didn’t have a ton of stuff to donate, I opted to drive downtown and try to find some folks that might like some hygiene kits and snacks. Drove around for an hour and had no luck finding parking in the center of the city where I was told homeless folks hang out. I decided to head to Walmart in the suburbs, grab some dinner and crash. On the way there I pulled over in a industrial park to help two guys repair a very beat up bicycle trailer.  I gave them roll of duck tape I had and some hygiene kits, cold shower packets and a few breakfast bars.

Cool Gear Online

Sew On & Sewforth Embroidery set up a store for me with some pretty cool gear. They will he managing it and fulfilling all the orders and donating 10% back to my mission trip. Thank you!! 

Open Field Accommodations

Good morning! I’m about 40 miles from Canada border. Stayed in a field on public land last night. There is a ravine right me behind that has to have at least a 150 ft drop. Glad I had the spot lights on last night! Plan is to be in Edmonton by end of day. Hope to be in Dawson Creek by end of the day tomorrow. Alaska Highway starts there. Would like to be in Denali National Park by 16th and Anchorage by 19th. I have outreach event scheduled with Bean’s Café on Saturday the 20th to volunteer and give out blankets and hygiene kits. They provide meals and daytime shelter for people experiencing homelessness. So July 5-15th...who knows. Stay tuned! 

Canada here I come!

Good evening! About 40 miles from the Canada border. Chicken chili cookin’ in the passenger seat. Now to find a place to camp and eat it! #missionforhope 

Bighorn has BIG sunrises!

Sunrise this morn in Bighorn National Forest a little west of Buffalo, Wyoming. On my way to Anchorage via Montana. About 100 miles from Montana border. Maybe I will make the Canadian border tonight but Montana is a pretty BIG state!! #missionforhope

Filling up the new fridge in Casper, Wyoming

Provisioning in Casper,  Wyoming. Lots of room in the new fridge & a light too! 4 dinners, 4 lunches, 4 breakfasts, snacks and drinks. Thank you Good Hope volunteers for the new ARB fridge! Chicken Alfredo in the HotLogic May try to make Montana tonight. #missionforhope #jeepers #jeeps #givingback.