Angie Miller Day....Worth Every Penny For Beverly

I know I am going to ruffle a few feathers by putting this out there, not the my opinion matters much, but I am 110% behind Beverly spending the money for Angie Miller Day. Think of this expense as marketing and PR for your city. What was ...put out in the media this weekend and what will be put out this Wednesday on TV is incredible! The value in advertising and PR for Beverly is in the millions. You couldn't buy a branding, advertising and PR campaign like this.

Hypothetically, what if some franchise owner in the another part of the country sees Idol and decides Beverly is a good place for their next store. Can you say "Bell Market"? That has to be worth at least $20K for the city and other businesses. What if a dozen families see what a great school system Beverly has and want to buy homes here or build homes here? Tax revenue, income for developers, commissions for real estate agents, home inspectors, insurance agents, painters, movers, banks, landscapers, dance studios, driving schools, restaurants....we all make out. Get the picture? 

So thank you and hats off to Angie, Exiting the Fall, City Hall, Bill, Tina, Martha, City Councilors, Eastern Bank, Dr. Whylie, Chief Ray, Beverly PD, Beverly FD, Beverly Main Streets, Gin, Heather, Beverly Chamber of Commerce, John, Robin, Mark, Beverly School System, Sean, Dan, BHS Music Department, Adam, Lynn, Ray, BevCam and most importantly Beverly's citizens and businesses. You all stepped up the the plate and made Beverly shine just like our favorite Idol....Angie. Something very wonderful landed in our laps and we all ran with it. (Sorry if I missed anybody.)

May 7th - Salem News Article: "Cost of "Idol" visit to Beverly Adding Up."


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