Being humbled in Seattle.

A very humbling experience in Seattle Saturday. In the afternoon I volunteered to help serve lunch at the Union Gospel Mission in downtown Seattle. We served lunch to 125 guests. Afterwards I took a walk down by the water to digest everything I saw. I went back to the shelter at night to volunteer to go out in one of their “Search & Rescue” vans to distribute food, hygiene kits, clothing and blankets. (Thank you Beantown Blankets !) We made about six stops and visited two camps.  What I saw was overwhelming to say the least. It’s Sunday morning and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all.  So sad. Sometimes I feel a bit helpless of what I can do to help bit I know God has a plan. A plan much better than anything I could ever think of.  Please pray for Seattle. #missionforhope


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