Narrowing down my schedule even more. Please submit the form on the volunteer page on my website if would like to help out on a Saturday in one of the cities I'll be doing homeless outreach in. Thank you! Indianapolis 6/15 Chicago 6/22 Denver 6/29 Anchorage 7/20 Seattle 8/3 Portland, OR 8/10 San Francisco 8/17 Los Angeles 8/24 San Diego 8/31 Los Vegas 9/7 Phoenix 9/14 Albuquerque 9/21 Dallas 9/28 New Orleans 10/5 Jackson, MS 10/12 Mobile, AL 10/19 Tampa 10/26 Key West 11/2 Miami 11/9 Atlanta, GA 11/16 Durham, NC 11/23 Washington DC 11/25 (Not a Saturday) Baltimore 11/26 (Not a Saturday) Philadelphia 11/27 (Not a Saturday) New York 11/28 (Thanksgiving) Springfield, MA 11/30 Burlington, VT 12/7 Portland, ME 12/14 Boston 12/21